Fix lỗi: HTTP Error 500.0 – ANCM In-Process Handler Load Failure

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Upload source code Net Core 2.2 lên Hosting Windows (IIS) xuất hiện thông báo lỗi sau:

HTTP Error 500.0 – ANCM In-Process Handler Load Failure
Common causes of this issue:
The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.App was not found.
The in process request handler, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IIS, was not referenced in the application.
ANCM could not find dotnet.
Troubleshooting steps:
Check the system event log for error messages
Enable logging the application process’ stdout messages
Attach a debugger to the application process and inspect
For more information visit:

Nguyên nhân

Lỗi handler trong file web.config

Khắc phục

Tìm và điều chỉnh giá trị modules trong thẻ handler trong file web.config như sau:

<handlers> <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule**V2**" resourceType="Unspecified" /> </handlers>
<handlers> <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" /> </handlers>


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